Beach Launch Team is a student organization that specializes in design, fabrication, and testing of liquid fuel rockets. Our organization primarily participates in rocketry competitions within the United States and conducts liquid propulsion and launch vehicle research. BLT's primary mission is to provide CSULB students with industry-relevant experience through design problem solving and hands-on applications.
We aim to be the first university to launch a liquid-fueled rocket into space!
- STUDENT Operated -
-STUDENT built-

From defining vehicle requirements to performing propulsion water flow and cold flow testing, the students in our organization are 100% in charge of designing the vehicles, payloads, and support systems.

A majority of what makes up our rockets are built in house. Our students work hands-on with composites, machining, and additive manufacturing etc. to bring our designs to life.

When it s time to Launch, all preparation and launch operations are conducted by our own team. Transporting, set-up, on-site testing, troubleshooting, propellant loading
-- the students do it all!